What is Stand Up For Justice?
Our strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly in the actions of our initiatives. It is with that in mind, we are proud to introduce the Stand Up For Justice Educator Fund to the Central Bucks School District of Pennsylvania.
The Stand Up For Justice Educator Fund recognizes High School, Middle School, and Elementary School educators who are innovative in bringing respect for others’ differences into their activities with students in a transformative, impactful, and caring way. The goal is to create a resource for educators of any discipline to incorporate strategies that promote understanding and respect among students, countering bigotry and bullying.
This fund recognizes teachers, guidance counselors, school librarians, media specialists, school psychologists, administrators, etc.
All applicants must have created lessons/programs of their own design or successfully made adaptations from other programs and should be able to show evidence of a positive nature as a result of implementation. These activities should teach students to stand up for justice no matter what racial, religious, cultural, or other differences exist.